"If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me.”
-Mark 8:34
On Ash Wednesday, the Church bid her saints to observe a holy Lent. Throughout these weeks of Lent, the people of God have been obedient in prayer, fasting and in acts of charity. Here, at Saint Mary the Virgin, we turn with the whole Catholic Church in every age and throughout the world toward Jerusalem, to that city of peace, to that lonely path trod by the Lord. With countless saints and angels we follow the way of Jesus in this holy week.
All of God’s people are invited to follow this path of salvation. The Church’s ancient liturgies rehearse our redeeming story, making it present to us for our deification. In this holy week the Church’s faithful are brought into this story. In the mystery of this holy week, we find and behold the man from Galilee who died for us. We find that in walking with him on his path during this holy week, he too walks with us on our paths. In this holy week we discover that he not only walks with us, he also guides us into the new life of resurrection and glory.
At Saint Mary’s we will follow the Lord. We will keep this holy week. Come and see. Join us on this journey to the Feast of Feasts.
Holy Week Schedule
Palm Sunday March 24
Mass at 8:00am, 10:30am, and 6:00pm
Monday in Holy Week March 25
Mass at 9:00am
Tuesday in Holy Week March 26
Mass at 9:00am
Wednesday in Holy Week March 27
Confessions at 11:00am
Mass at 12:00pm
Holy Thursday March 28
Mass of the Lord’s Supper at 7:30pm
Good Friday March 29
Stations of the Cross at 12:00pm
Celebration of the Lord’s Passion at 7:30pm
Holy Saturday March 30
The Easter Vigil at 9:00pm
Easter Sunday March 31
Mass at 8:00am, 10:30am, and 6:00pm